阿布呦 发表于 2016-10-6 07:41:43

BBC法语教学动画片Muzzy French

The first part of the film simply introduces the titular furry greenish-blue extraterrestrial Muzzy (Jack May), King Nigel (Willie Rushton) and Queen Erza (Miriam Margolyes) of Gondoland, their daughter Princess Sylvia (Susan Sheridan), Bob the gardener (Derek Griffiths) and evil scientist Corvax (Derek Griffiths), along with their personalities. It is not until later that the actual story gets going. When it does, Bob is sweeping the garden, when Corvax calls him over to count how many trees and bushes there are. By the time Bob has counted the number of flowers, the beautiful Princess Sylvia has beckoned Bob over, and the two decide to elope as they are in love. However, Corvax also loves Sylvia, and when he sees what is happening, he immediately rushes to inform the King and Queen. Furious, the King decides they should track the two down by helicopter and catch them. This they do, and when they catch Bob and Sylvia, the latter is taken back to the palace while the former is taken away to jail by the King's soldiers. At cell number 19, Bob meets Muzzy who informs him that he has been jailed for eating parking meters in the town square. (He eats metallic and other indigestible objects, with his favorite food being clocks.)...


**** Hidden Message *****

Karlcarlos 发表于 2022-7-17 22:26:31

Merci! Gracias!

huafeihua 发表于 2022-7-30 09:58:59

merci beaucoup

小珠子 发表于 2022-7-31 10:27:00


进击的红玫瑰 发表于 2022-9-11 09:08:13

merci beaucoup

FrancaisJunior 发表于 2022-9-11 22:03:01

Merci bcp bcp

小珠子 发表于 2022-11-12 14:29:21

merci beaucoup

aluckboyclf 发表于 2023-1-1 17:12:01

Merci! Gracias!

feixiang77 发表于 2023-2-22 04:14:43


Jane1468 发表于 2023-2-26 11:42:24

merci beaucoup
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查看完整版本: BBC法语教学动画片Muzzy French